Worship With Us
What is Worship?
We view worship as seeing things how they truly are. We come before God and see who he is (holy and loving), while at the same time, seeing ourselves as we are (created yet sinful). What should be a head on collision becomes a transformative experience because of the grace of God given to us in Christ. This is the gospel. This is the heart of true worship.
How Does MERCYhouse prepare for worship?
Worship is fueled by ongoing reflection on the gospel. The Apostle Paul writes to the church in Colossi:
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”
This is why our Sunday worship experience reminds us of the gospel (the word of Christ) in the singing, the preaching, and the taking of communion. While regular worship with one's Christian community is essential, it is part of a lifestyle of regularly reflecting on scripture and seeking to put God's truth into practice in day to day living. Sundays give us regular instruction and encouragement for this journey of faith.
What can people expect when they come for worship on Sunday?
Expect a warm welcome and time to connect with others a few minutes before each of our services (check our current times below). We usually begin the service with singing followed by scripture reading, prayer, sermon, another time of singing, and communion. Attire is casual. On-site children’s classes and childcare are suspended until further notice. There is an on-site children’s class held each week as well.
Worship Ministry
Interested in joining our worship ministry? Contact our church office by emailing us at contact@mercyhouse365.org or by clicking the link below.